Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Graphic Design Whaaa???

Yes. Whaaa? I'm in the process of designing my book's cover. Yes design is not something I know poo about. That's right. I know nothing. I also know nothing about marketing. SO, I'm in the process of learning. I also found out I went to school with someone who is into all things geek. Which means...a graphic designer is now at my fingertips.... YES!  I just hope he can do what I want done. I'm pretty sure he can.

Now, I did finally finish that know This Man Confessed. I must say, I really did like it. I kept thinking one thing at the very end though. I'm not going to say what it is because if you haven't read it and you want to, then well, I'm not going to spoil it for you. I hate spoiling things.
I'm not sure what book I'm on to next. I've tried reading Tangled by Emma Chase, but it's just not my cup of tea (at least not right now as I go through phases). I've started reading The Auction by Claire Thompson, and so far it's okay. I also started reading Masters of My Desire (Doms of Genesis) by Jenna Jacob, but again, it's a little cheesy and not what I'm looking for at the moment. SO, I'm looking for a good book. I may reread Thoughtless by S. C. Stephens but I'm not sure.

Now, I know I tend to write short blogs and guess what? Today is no different.
My son is screaming like a freakin banshee right now. He says he wants food in a bowl. But what kind of food does he want??? NO IDEA! I've given him some yogurt and then 2 gummy worms. Guess what? Neither of those were food in a bowl and although he ate those things, he still wants food in a bowl. Go figure. So, off I go to get food in a bowl
See ya,


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