Saturday, July 6, 2013

What a day!

So, I'm writing and writing and writing. I'm feeling good and then BAM! Something I don't like happens. Just something stupid. Ya know, being human and all I just want things to go my way. I wish people could be on my schedule so I could get things done. And WHY are people so afraid of voicing their opinion? I need an open opinion.
My son is sitting on the couch with me now while I'm typing. He keeps looking into his room saying that there's a bear in there. Then he asks me if I ruined his dreams?
Seriously? Kids are the freakin funniest things ever. And here I am typing away ignoring the world (except of course for the annoying sounds of my three years old trying to lick the fly swatter) and my say stops looks at me and says "I said be quiet momma".
I could go on and on about my three year old.

I haven't talked about it much but I am a book enthusiast! Love love love books! The more I read the more I have determined that I have a writing style. Some of my favorite authors are: Colleen Hoover, Rebecca Donovan, and Kristen Ashley.
~I love Kristen Ashley for a good book fix.~

I am in the middle of reading This Man series. I read the first book when it came out. I started to read the second book, Beneath this Man, but I decided to wait until the third and final book came out. Thus, this is what I did. I finished Beneath this Man (book #2) last night. It was awesome! Like freakin amazeballs. Now, I am continuing my journey onto the last book, This Man, Confessed. I am only in the sixth chapter and I can tell you right now, I'm not really sure why I stopped reading. Oh yeah, I know why! I'm an idiot. Oh, wait no I'm not, I have a three year old and he doesn't allow me to do anything for very long. I've already had a stop/go relationship with this blog.
Does anyone know of an awesome good read? I've got a bunch I need to read already on my kindle but I like books that go deeper into each character. I hate that superficial crap. I hate feeling like I'm on the outside shell of a character.
Also, for some strange reason, I hate Novellas. I just don't like 'em. I would much rather have a good book that will take days to read (and I'm a slow reader- how in the heck some of you can read a book as long as fifity shades in a day is beyond me).
So, this is my sign off. I really must get to writing my own book and finishing it or I'll never get it done.
See you soon,


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